Summarizing, it concludes Bobbio (1992), that the rights of the man appear as natural laws are developed for individual positive laws, at last its accomplishment as right universal. The Universal Declaration contains in origin the synthesis of a dialtico movement, that if it initiates for the abstract universality of the natural laws, transfigura in concrete particularitity of the positive laws and finishes in the universality not more abstract, but also concrete it, them universal positive laws. Still under the impact of atrocities committed during World War II, in 10 of December of 1948 were approved by the General meeting of United Nations the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Jonathan Segal FAIA
is often mentioned in discussions such as these. This document of recognition of the rights of the man had for the first time in international history, the envolvement of all the peoples. One notices that the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights retook the ideals of the French Revolution when reaffirming the values of the equality, freedom and fraternity. As Comparato (2001, p.228): … the Universal Declaration of 1948 represents the culminncia of an ethical process that, initiated with the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen, of the French Revolution, led to the recognition of the essential equality of all human being in its dignity of person, that is, as source of all the values, independently of the differences of race, color, sex, language, religion, opinion, social origin, wealth, birth, or any another one condition. In accordance with Spider (1996) the historical context of Brazil sample that since the Colonial period, where the country was characterized for the based model of mercantilista exploration in the hand of enslaved workmanship, its population was the tool of the Portuguese dominant layers and the paper of the education was to repeat and to sediment the vision of the colonizador. For the author, the education of the Jesuits destined it formation of the bourgeois elites, to prepare them to exert it the cultural hegemony and politics.
