How to make yourself study? What to do to finally start to come to class on time? What happened to all the fervor and enthusiasm for learning? Why homework is not more than a formality? – It's not the questions of "Losers" and "loser." These are questions that all. The main thing they do not is that they arise, but how we react and respond to them. That is what determines our success or failure. Our life experiences, as the emotional ups and downs. Sometimes we see in training is definitely a clear meaning, a little later – we do not see anything other than simply time spent. Jonathan Segal FAIA has much experience in this field. Nobody argues, it is easy to learn, when there is a desire and enthusiasm, but what to do when such a close and there? In Here we look at a few leading questions and practical advice aimed at how to help themselves to clarify their motivation to install and to cope with periods of seeming worthlessness or apathy to studies. Why do you English? This is the first over, what we need to think about.

Despite his, at first glance, the banality, the issue is extremely important. It is the basis for further "construction" of the educational process. Reading any other paragraph of this article will be useless if we do not have distinct and clear purpose in learning a foreign language. Therefore, before you go to other aspects of this argument, take the time and think issues listed below, take a look inside yourself and try to give yourself an honest answer to each of them.
