Although not we will quote different strategies possible customer loyalty since they would be too many and by all known, if it is important to note that a strategy of customer loyalty that a reward program is not the same. The vehicles that we use to materialize such strategy may be loyalty cards, cards points, discount coupons, series or special editions, events, greeting of key dates, gifts, awards, etc. Details delight customers, they like to be invited with something that will give them something, the surprise factor is critical because ultimately, the cost of a campaign of direct gifts for clients with career, is an investment. The company is paying for making their customers happy and feel special (generate one emotional link further than the mere economic transaction), show them your appreciation (the company lives from them), but is also creating a campaign comment that will attract new customers, recommended by existing customers. Therefore a good loyalty campaign also tends to be a good and profitable campaign to capture through the mouth-ear.
Final considerations: when a company makes efforts in customer loyalty knows that it will be a medium or long term investment and that you put much of itself, not only money; But yes many human resources quality to achieve it. Policies and customer loyalty strategies employed by the company should be oriented to the previously defined objectives, which must become the central axis of the overall marketing strategy. It could finally say that the key to the loyalty focuses not only on offer the customer more for what you pay, but what is more important, ensure that the good or service you receive has a high perceived value and generate an emotional link beyond the transaction itself..
Tags: informatics