Some factors include individual and socioeconmicas the conditions as malnutrition, housing, lack of hygiene seem to favor the transmission (AQUINO et al., 2003). After its entrance in the organism the bacillus of Hansen, if it installs in the glangios linfcitos, forming micobacterianos, the defense of the organism is effected by the imunolgica reply against the microrganismo that will be able to occur to the elimination or will be able to reach the sanguineous chain if migrando for the skin, nerves and/or agencies, does not have clinical manifestations (SAAB, 2006). According to Saab (2006), the linfcitos are the center of the imunolgicas reactions exist two types of linfcitos, the T means the hipersensibilidade cellular and B, the humoral, characterized for the absence of cellular immunity. Adopted for the Rabello the doctrine of the polarity that has been confirmed and strengthened for the current imunolgicos methods, where the organism will react with the two ways of infection. The polar region (t) that has a reaction of positive Mitsuda producing a benign infection with trend the spontaneous and not contagiante cure (with bacillus absence). The polar region (v), characterized for gradual and rich illness in bacilli, and the Mitsuda reaction is negative. The reaction of Mitsuda is a test of intradrmica application developed by KausKe Mitsuda in 1919, that it consists of a barren suspension of extracted bacilli of Hansen of human hansenomas, deaths for the heat. Through the test of Mitsuda, the resistance of the individual to the bacillus can itself be evaluated, a positive result means good defense, a negative result, absence of defense and a result doubtful, intermediate defense.

It is used in the classification of the forms of the illness (GOULART; PENNA; WEDGE, 2002; MARTELLI et al., 2002; SAAB, 2006). 3.3. Classification of the HansenaseConhecida as an illness poliforma, had its manifestations clinical, the imunolgica reply is important for defense of the organism front to the exposition to the bacillus, to the infection evolves in diverse ways.
