The Umbanda is a religion that appeared the cults on the basis of afro-Brazilians, with the sincretismo Dos Santos Catholics, with the Orixs African, the Amerndismo, the Kardecismo and the Orientalismo. Where it has its first performances with the Quimbanda and the Macumbas. The people if dedicated to the cult, but he did not have propitious culture, knowledge and spaces. Then the espritos came and guided these mdiuns. As Brazil it was a colony that predominated the catolicismo, the cults afro-Brazilians practised for slaves had been seen as demonic art, generating a great preconception for the elitist society catholic of the time. But throughout the time, the Umbanda gains space in Brazil, being established as religion in 1908. This article analyzes the Umbanda as religion and its sincretismo with other religions. Word-key: Umbanda.

Sincretismo. Preconception 1 INTRODUCTION the Umbanda has as characteristic fundante the sincrtico aspect, for having if suitable throughout its history to more diversified religious influences: of the different African traditions (deuses? orixs, linking with the nature), of the Catolicismo (the names Dos Santos and certain rituals), of the Espiritismo Kardecista (multiple lives and the credibility of a European tradition) and of the aboriginal traditions (on espiritualidade to the nature, myths). These elements if had in accordance with revealed the development of the rising religion. According to Birman (1985, P. 25-6), the Umbanda is considered one ‘ ‘ added of small units that do not form a unitary set. It does not have, as in the Church Catholic, a well established center that hierarquize and ties to all the religious agents. Here, in contrast, what it dominates is disperso’ ‘. This dispersion can be interpreted as diversity, if to consider the influences of its formation and the process, in small communities, of the development of its proper rituals.
