However, in Brazil the vote is obligator for the citizens who are in the etria band between 18 and 65 years. With 16 or 17 years, young already can vote, however in this etria band the vote is facultative, as well as for the aged ones that they possess 65 years more than. Additional information […]
Summarizing, it concludes Bobbio (1992), that the rights of the man appear as natural laws are developed for individual positive laws, at last its accomplishment as right universal. The Universal Declaration contains in origin the synthesis of a dialtico movement, that if it initiates for the abstract universality of the natural laws, transfigura in concrete […]
Silveira de Moraes- Psychologist Misticismo, Espiritualidade, Philosophy, Behavior, Sciences, Health and General Culture Taking care of upon request of some readers I look for in this small space to clarify some doubts on the mstico work of the order Rose-Cross AMORC. In first place she is necessary to leave clearly that this Order makes a […]