Time of Union to Colombia Main article: History of Panama’s former Viceroyalty of Panama formed by the territories of Castilla del Oro and the Duchy of Veragua of the Columbus family, declaring their voluntary union of Sim n Bol var’s Gran Colombia (Cundinamarca, Venezuela and Quito), was reduced and divided into two provinces of Panama (which included the city of Panama, the Darien, the Gulf of Uraba in the Caribbean, Choco and the Pacific coast to the present limits of Ecuador) and the de Veraguas (which extended from the central regions of the Isthmus, the city of Nata de los Caballeros, part of the current Burica Costa Rica and the Pacific, Gulf Coast Mosquito to the border of Nicaragua and the current number islands in the Caribbean as the islands of San Andres and Providencia, off the coast of Nicaragua).This situation was not made welcome by the inhabitants of the isthmus, resulting in future situations of estrangement with the Colombian government and separatist movements. Amphictyonic Congress June 1826, under the ideal of Sim n Bol var, meeting in Panama City to representatives of the new Western Hemisphere countries like Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Central America, USA. UU., Gran Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru, as a confederation to defend the continent against possible actions of the League of the Holy Alliance formed by the European powers and their claims of lost territories in America. In 1830 he produced the first separation of Panama from Colombia. La Gran Colombia was experiencing political chaos because Venezuela and Ecuador have taken the decision to secede from the confederation, Sucre and Bolivar had been killed withdrew from the government.General Jose Domingo Espinar, Military Commander of the Isthmus, declared the separation of Panama on 26 September 1830, to disagree with the instability of the government of Joaqu n Mosquera, successor of Bolivar. Bolivar Espinar offers the government the Isthmus, to fight for the accession of other countries in the confederation, however Bolivar was sick and declines the offer, asking to reinstate the Isthmus Espinar back to the Gran Colombia. Panama was repaid to the confederation on 11 December 1830, demonstrating the possibility of an independent nation of Gran Colombia. General Fabrega not support the decision to reinstate the isthmus by Espinar and march to Veraguas, leaving in charge of military control of Panama City Juan Eligio Alzuru Colonel. The enemies of Espinar convince Alzuru of imprisoning and sending into exile.With the idea of proclaiming himself dictator, Alzuru seeks support in the Panamanian people and their sense of nationalism, resulting in the Second Separation of Panama from Colombia on 9 July 1831. Alzuru became a dictator and loses the support of the Panamanian population. The arrival of Colonel Thomas Henderson isthmus, in cooperation with other Panamanians Fabrega and illustrious Alzuru is caught and shot. Months later, the nation’s isthmus reattached to Colombia, with the disappointment of being united to a country in decline, with the extinction of Gran Colombia, as Venezuela and Ecuador were independent countries, and lack of leadership of Simon Bolivar, revealing among Panamanians to join the Republic of New Granada was unnecessary, being born and societies and parties with separatist ideals in Panama.Granada War of 1839 under the command of General Jos Mar a Obando, who murdered 10 years ago Sucre threw the region into an armed conflict, which the inhabitants of the isthmus feel alienated and preferred to avoid. Refraining from entering the war, he created a popular board meeting in Panama City on November 18, 1840, to declare the separation of Panama from Colombia for the third time under the name of the State of the Isthmus. Ledby Colonel Thomas Henderson, the first constitution was drafted Panamanian economy is organized and political institutions of the nation. Costa Rica and USA. UU. recognized the new country. After months of talks, the Colombian government can convince the Colonel Henderson of reintegrating the isthmus under the agreement not to take retribution against the secessionists Panamanians. Ignoring the agreement, once back on the isthmus, Colonel Herrera is banished and removed from the military ladder.On returning the Isthmus of Panama to New Granada in 1841, Nueva Granada authorities contemplated the idea of negotiating with the United Kingdom, France and USA. UU., Guarantees to New Granada to keep control and sovereignty over the Isthmus of Panama and its people. To that end, the Foreign Minister of New Granada, Manuel Maria Mallarino and American business manager Bidlack Benjamin, signed on 12 December 1846, the treaty Mallarino-Bidlack, New Granada where he requested to EE. UU.que will ensure ownership and sovereignty of the Isthmus of Panama, offering benefits in exchange for transport across the Panamanian territory of their goods, mail and passengers.