Letters of tarot or or badly dignificadas All those people who are familiarized with the techniques of the tarot, know the strong influence that she has when they appear arcane the bad one dignificados within the distance. The tarot letters that are revealed On guard inverted within the map reading deeply modify the message by they surround which them. And sometimes, inclusively, the complete message of the distance It turns out interesting to know, however, that the custom to read to the arcane ones in or or badly dignificados is relatively modern. And that many students of the tarot still feel doubts on the true necessity to realise this distinction. The disadvantage more hard against this form to come indicates that some does not have foundation and in fact was introduced by the famous Etteila, more retailer than tarotista, during century XVIII, to discourage the entrance of not initiated to the world of the tarot. Truly it is that, still today, numerous tarotistas of prestige ignore this distinction and they are limited, simply, to straighten letters that they appear inverted. Joeb Moore follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.
But also it is certain that an equally great number of professionals and students credits in the necessity of this classification, reason why is advisable to know something more on its mechanics and its reaches. The appearance of a letter bad dignificada in the distance, basically, power the negative aspects of said naipe. We see a simple example. Arcane the XIX, the Sun, condense the qualities of the masculine principle of the universe. If it appears to the right, speech of push, protective personality, security, ability and enterprising character. Badly dignificado, however, puts the accent in the possessive, aggressive aspect overwhelming of the masculine personality. The World is considered one of arcane the more favorables and positives of the tarot. As much, that esteem that if he appears or dignificado in the distance have the capacity to balance or to neutralize the energies and negative influences of the letters that have appeared invested. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Bruce Flatt.
Nevertheless, the World can also appear On guard inverted, and in that case its meaning is not already so positive. Well dignificado, announces to the consulting one that all earthly dreams, are of work, money, love or family, is on the verge of being fulfilled. On guard invested, it sends to those whose dreams, in spite of all efforts, never seem to become in fact. Affects really its position the message of tarot letters? After realising several distances, each consulting one will be able to form its own opinion. Source: Note of Press sent by juancarlosmontillo.
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