In this way we search a theoretician who discoursed regarding the importance of the affection in the relations of education learning and them we come across with the Wallon theoretician, who provided an important contribution for education, regarding the affective relations that permeiam the individual throughout its development and the maturacionais levels that this citizen covers throughout its life, making a linking between the affective relations that are constructed in its social environment, throughout its development. Henri Wallon attributes great importance to the affective relations in the process of development of the individual since its birth, that is, for it the affectivity is one of the first stages that the child covers, being that the birth of the affectivity is previous to intelligence, where this is the starting point in the process of the acquisition of the contents of the external way. Almeida (1999), taking as would have it to reference Walloniana leads in them to observe the strict relation between the affectivity and intelligence, being affirmed that: The affectivity and intelligence they constitute a non-separable pair in the psychic evolution, therefore both have functions defined well, when integrated, allow the child to reach evolution levels more each time raised, being that intelligence has the function to discover to explain and to transform beings and things (p 51). As we saw, the affection and the construction of intelligence consist in non-separable domnios that must be remained in interdependence throughout the life of the citizens. In this way, giving priority to the construction of the scientific knowledge that is mediated of the educator for educating, we can affirm that the affectivity relation must permear the classrooms with intention to provide to greater stimulaton for acquisition of the transmitted knowledge. It is possible to separate to reason and emotion? Exists relation between affectivity and cognitivo development? The affectivity is estimated for the construction of the knowledge? In search of a reply to the questionings about the importance of the affectivity in relation professor-pupil, we construct some reflections on the thematic one in the development of the learning.
