There are images that will transport you to other lives elsewhere, to other souls even photographs that transfer you the feeling of the moment in which they were taken, as if while the sights were aware of belonging to that common story that we all share and something you removiese you on the inside that […]
80% of family businesses would have no success in overcoming the transition from the second generation. Transform and maintain the brothers in a team is important and critical to try to avoid being part of these statistics. A company of brethren can be as a result of two situations: (a) by succession and (b) voluntary […]
Freire (2003) still criticizes that the education if summarizes only in transmitting the knowledge, and that the professor has an active paper, while the pupil, of passive reception. The resume is, of this form, off of the existencial situation of the involved people in the act to know. Freire (2003) considers a new concept of […]
However, to be professor requires what this more than, is necessary to acquire all a luggage of knowledge, that almost always is not learned only in the classroom. The formation of a good professional also depends on all the cultural situation where he is inserted, of the reality of the system of education and the […]
However, to be professor requires what this more than, is necessary to acquire all a luggage of knowledge, that almost always is not learned only in the classroom. The formation of a good professional also depends on all the cultural situation where he is inserted, of the reality of the system of education and the […]
In this way we search a theoretician who discoursed regarding the importance of the affection in the relations of education learning and them we come across with the Wallon theoretician, who provided an important contribution for education, regarding the affective relations that permeiam the individual throughout its development and the maturacionais levels that this citizen […]
The Umbanda is a religion that appeared the cults on the basis of afro-Brazilians, with the sincretismo Dos Santos Catholics, with the Orixs African, the Amerndismo, the Kardecismo and the Orientalismo. Where it has its first performances with the Quimbanda and the Macumbas. The people if dedicated to the cult, but he did not have […]