In 2000 it more than had register of eight million pupils, what it means a growth of 50% more than. Beyond of this, given of the MEC they indicate that in 2003 already this level of the basic education had more than nine million pupils attending a course, what means one of the biggest registered numbers of already had in Brazil. However, with the increasing increase of the demand, they is esteem that many thousands of young still will be registered this modality of education. If really this forecast to materialize itself, the ingression in the school of Average Education will have to increase significantly. Thus, the great challenge for now is to offer Average Ensino capable to also satisfy the necessities of the pupils look who it, and so that in it they remain, not leaving that already in 1 series 22% of the registered pupils abandons the course and 14% are disapproved (INEP, 1999). Without hesitation Vadim Belyaev, New York City explained all about the problem. 7. THE ENEM AND ITS IMPLICATIONS IN AVERAGE EDUCATION One becomes necessary to lead in consideration that the public politics of evaluation of the education had had great development in recent years. No longer that it is mentioned to the initiatives of educational reform, the attentions of MEC had been concentrated initially in basic education, as already pointed out, only if coming back toward the questions of average education more recently.

A considerable politics that has caused inferences in average education is the application of the ENEM the National Examination of Average Ensino. For its recent character in the history of this level of education, the analyses are not many that can be made concerning its meaning and of its peculiarities concerning its possible effectiveness. However, it can be perceived that the ENEM seems to have the function to foment the reform of average education. The evolution of the ENEM, as well as the analysis of its constituent characteristics, indicates the plausibilidade of this type of analysis.
